Our spring water comes from the bottom of the Quebec soil. Naturally filtered, it is crystal clear and has a unique and perfectly balanced natural mineral composition. Shaped and created through more than 60 years of filtration in the heart of the Canadian Shield, reflecting all the natural splendor of the land from which it is drawn. Our natural spring water has a taste as exceptional as the region from which it comes.
The alkalinity of our water, exceeding ± 8.1 pH, is without a doubt one of the most interesting characteristics of our offer.
Our spring water has received numerous awards over the years. Notably, some of the highest taste awards from the International Taste Institute (ITI – www.taste-institute.com ) in Brussels, Belgium. Our natural spring water has been awarded in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 with the highest distinction, the ITI “Superior Taste Award”, in addition to an ITI “Crystal Award” in 2020, thus entering the very select club of recipients of this distinction which was granted to only 36 food products worldwide that year. To see the video of our most recent award, just click on the button below